=== SPS/ACC/Note 87-7 === LEP Controls Note 80 ===

NODAL User Guide

A. McKeeman


This note is a guide to the user of NODAL on the IBM PC/AT running XENIX. This note does not cover the syntax of the NODAL language but is an addendum to the suite of NODAL related manuals for the specific operational details of PC/AT XENIX NODAL. The following is a list of related manuals:


The following is a list of the current features included in the implementation (for more details, see the IBM PC/AT XENIX NODAL Functions manual:


The interpreter runs on systems with the following hardware configuration:


The interpreter runs under the XENIX 2.0 operating system. The network software for token ring interface should be resident and the appropriate host routing tables set up. The font files for Graphical Kernel System (GKS) should be in the appropriate place. The standard console installation covers all of these points.


Installation procedure

The installation of NODAL concerns three files:

In the standard console installation, these files will already exist.

Special keys

In addition to the keys and control sequences which have meaning in the line and screen editor, the following also have meaning:

Interpreter startup

The interpreter is started up by typing:


TITN access

Command access to the TITN network (for file access, see below) is performed through the NODAL commands EXEC, WAIT and IMEX identically as from a computer on the TITN network. A word about case sensitivity: this implementation of NODAL is not case sensitive, all commands and data item references are converted to upper case on execution. However, elements such as strings and file-names are not converted because of possible loss of meaning. The TITN world is case sensitive and the following should be remembered:

For this implementation, a new command has been implemented and a function added. The command RFEXEC is a Remote File Execute which is similar to the normal EXECUTE except that the remote computer loads the specified file as well as receiving the NODAL elements sent with the command. It has the following syntax:

RFEXEC(comp)file [elements]


comp remote TITN computer name
file file to be loaded from remote computer
elements an optional list of line and data elements as for the normal EXECUTE command

The command actually works by sending a NODAL element for line 1.01 as follows:

1.01 $DO "ERA 1.01; LOAD file; RUN"

where file is an exact copy of the string specified in the RFEXEC. Care therefore has to be taken that the line 1.01 is not included in the optional list of NODAL elements sent by the RFEXEC command.

The function SENS.C has been added. This function performs a non-blocking WAIT, after an EXECUTE to a TITN computer:


returns 0 if the remitted data is not yet available, 1 if remitted data has been received.

File naming conventions

This concerns local and remote files accessed through the commands OLD, LOAD and SAVE (and function OPEN).