Pål's historic foto galleries

[Zacharia 2011-03-05] Zacharia was born earlier this morning 2011-03-05 [Zacharia and Elisabeth]Zacharia with Elisabeth [Pal and Zacharia]Pål scrutinizes the new-born
[Emilie Easter 2010]By Easter 2010, Emilie pays a visit to Martigny [Emilie Xmas 2010]Emilie at the 2010 Christmas Party [Emilie Xmas 2010]Elisabeth with Emilie early April 2011

Emilie's third day

[Emilie_3rd] [Emilie_3rd_b] [Emilie_3rd_c]

Emilie's first day, the 3rd of October 2007

[Emilie_2] [Emilie+Elisabeth] [Emilie_gant_genant] [Emilie+Pal]

This century

[Akra Sounion 2003] 36N23 22E29 Cap Tenaro (Matapan) [Pal_en_chartreuses] [Pilgrim]

From the forties and the fifties

[På og Anne-Marthe] [Gutten i stampen] [Pål har tråbil] [På Kalhovd]
{psa 2016-11-30}