What it is all about.

Fotos fra min tidlige barndom til de siste hendelser.

Min far, Knut, slapp ut efter noen uker med kost og losji efter nederlaget i 1940.

Her tar kommandanten i Åndalsnes avskjed.

[Elisabeth og Sofus]

Herrefolkets representanter satte åpenbart ikke pris på min bestefar's opptreden som ansatt i Drøbak kommune. Sofus og Elisabeth ble avsatt under innføringen av nyordningen i det kommunale styre.

[Olaus] [Amalie]

In the year 1923, Elisabeth's grandmother Amalie accompanied her husband Olaus on a voyage through the Mediteranean to Greece.

Olaus served as chief engineer on board the steamer S/S Svein Jarl. The passage took them from Norway into the Eastern Mediterranean, reputedly to pick up a cargo of fruit. The exact itinerary has been lost over time. We only know that they visited Messina, Rome, Patras, Vostizza, Piraeus, Ergastria (Lavrio) and Yera (could actually have been Mytilini). In particular, the Corinthian Channel left a lasting impression with Amalie.

S/S Svein Jarl appears to have been built in 1919 at Trondhjems Mekaniske Verksted, Trondhjem, Norway, build number 173.The vessel went missing south of Iceland in February 1941 when the convoy was broken up, most likely a victim of a torpedo launched from a German submarine. There were no survivors. Olaus had disembarked in time.

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